General Meeting

General Shareholders' Meeting

The General Meeting includes all shareholders holding voting shares. They participate in the General Assembly in person or through a representative.

The right to vote at the General Shareholders' Meeting of the Company is exercised by the shareholders who have acquired their shares no later than 14 (fourteen) days before the date of the relevant General Meeting. The date of acquisition is established from the list of shareholders, which Central Depository AD provides to the Company.

The members of the Supervisory Board and the Management Board take part in the work of the General Meeting without the right to vote, unless they are shareholders.


Competence of the General Shareholders' Meeting

The General Shareholders' Meeting:

  • Approves, amends and supplements the Company's Articles of Association.
  • Increases and decreases the capital of the Company.
  • Transforms and terminates the Company.
  • Elects and dismisses the members of the Supervisory Board and determines their remuneration.
  • Appoints and dismisses the registered auditor or the specialised audit firm.
  • Approves the Annual Financial Statements after their certification by the appointed registered auditor or the specialised audit firm.
  • Distributes the Company's profit.
  • Decides and determines the procedure for issuing bonds, as well as the terms for their subscription in compliance with the requirements of the current Bulgarian legislation.
  • Decides and determines the procedure for issuing warrants and rights, as well as the terms for their subscription in compliance with the requirements of the current Bulgarian legislation.
  • Appoints liquidators upon termination of the Company, except in the case of insolvency.
  • Releases the Supervisory and Management Boards' members from liability.
  • Decides on the redemption of company's shares.
  • Decides on other issues within its competence, according to the law or the Articles of Association.