Code of Ethics

IHB operates by investing in companies and businesses that it manages and develops in the long run and contributes to their sustainable economic development. IHB works together with its employees, the local community and society as a whole, to achieve a more favourable environment and improve the quality of life.

IHB's policy is based on compliance with the legal framework, best practice for corporate management and socially-responsible behaviour, European standards for health and safety at work, opportunities for professional development and growth, and creating good corporate culture and spirit of empathy and loyalty to the Company.

The IHB Group activity is carried out in compliance with the principles of ethics, humanity, respect for people and nature, care for clients and maintaining good relations with the stakeholders of IHB and its subsidiaries: shareholders, employees, contractors - clients and suppliers, the local community and society as a whole.

IHB has adopted a Code of Ethics, which reflects all the principles on the basis of which the activities of the IHB Group are carried out, and serves as a guide for compliance with ethical business conduct for all its managers and employees, and we also observe the principles of non-discrimination by sex, age and religion.