

The nature of IHB's activities and its assets do not create prerequisites for any environmental problems. As far as the activity of the holding company is determined by its subsidiaries, their environmental problems indirectly affect the use of the assets of the IHB Group as a whole.


IHB Group's companies

The management of IHB monitors the environmental impact of the production in the Group. Subsidiaries are required to report annually in their business plans an assessment of environmental impact and the measures taken in the event of a negative impact.

The environmental risk must be assessed upon making decisions for new projects and investments in the Group. When purchasing machines, studies on their operation are performed, incl. their impact on the environment. Preliminary projects for the harmful emissions are developed, together with solutions for their neutralisation. All investment projects comply with environmental protection requirements. They are approved by the relevant bodies: municipal services, regional health inspectorates, 'Fire Safety and Protection of the Population' regional services, the regional environmental inspections, etc.

In 2020, ZMM-Sliven successfully put into operation a photovoltaic power plant for own consumption, with an installed capacity of 1,307 kWp. The solar park covers up to 75% of the electricity needs of the subsidiary.

A similar project for the construction of a photovoltaic power plant for own needs has been launched in ZMM - Nova Zagora.