A revisedtender offer with corrected technical discrepancies under Art. 149, para. 6 of the Public Offering of Securities Act (POSA) for purchase of shares of Industrial Holding Bulgaria PLC

On 08.11.2021 a notification was received in Industrial Holding Bulgaria PLC according to art. 152, para. 4 in connection with art. 151, para. 3 of POSA, accompanied by a draft of a revised tender offer with corrected technical discrepancies under Art. 149, para. 6 of POSA presented by Bulls AD, Sofia, for the purchase of up to 23 690 662 voting shares from the other shareholders of Industrial Holding Bulgaria PLC.


In connection with the requirement of art. 152, para. 4 in connection with art. 151, para. 4 of POSA, information on the received revised tender offer for purchase of shares of Industrial Holding Bulgaria PLC from Bulls AD and the essential conditions under it is presented in an appendix to this notification.

The full version of the revised tender offer for purchase of shares of Industrial Holding Bulgaria PLC from Bulls AD is also attached to this notification.


The Financial Supervision Commission has not yet pronounced on the submitted revised tender offer.